Week 1- Hi! a little about me

I'm really excited to start my internship at SOE this quarter as a game artist. It's an interesting turn I took the last three quarters of my schooling at Ai being a media arts and animation major. I got the internship because I asked to participate in the Game Art Prototyping class instead of the Pre-Production course to get feedback and guidance from professionals in the SOE Mentor program.  I was initially in charge of characters in our node, but since the style I am most accustomed to fit the stylistic FreeRealms look we were trying to embody, I ended up being the main concept artist and helped out with modeling texturing environments as well as concepting rigging and animating the characters.
Although I am incredibly excited so see where this path takes me, I'm nervous because there are some differences about media arts vs game art such as modeling low poly, game engines, compression, and things I don't even know about to mention yet until I come across it, but I hope my attitude to learn new things will not be a setback rather that I'm moving forward. I have a really good feeling about the team, they all seem very welcoming and easy to talk to, which is imperative for me since I tend to ask a lot of questions! As far as a social aspect goes, I know I'll fit in, my desk at home matches perfectly with the desks on the FreeRealms team at SOE with my love for vinyl toys and nerf guns and although I don't know the team very well I have a feeling I'll be able to get along and work as a team just fine.
As the teams of FreeRealms and Clone Wars have just recently merged and quite a few have left for a new project, there has been a lot of re-organization of job roles, and it's uncertain what exactly I'll be working on so I'm not sure what to expect being new to the field. This is just fine with me; Until now I've been a "generalist" as a MAA student, generally liking every subject I've come across. This internship will both buff my skills in all areas but also see what specialization would be best fit for me working in the industry.
Right now I've been working on concepting in Photoshop for a mode of transportation (if you will), and it looks like I'll be working on the model texture rig and animation as well. I got kind of a late start since my machine was still being set up and needed IT's permission to install a few things, but I'm excited to see it come together!