Week 2- doing a lot already!

Finished the concept, model, and UV unwrap to texture. Already I've been doing many different tasks within the broad umbrella of game art and really excited about it! I was lucky because SOE uses Maya 2012 same as most MAA classes whereas game artists use 3dsmax so there was no transition like the other interns. However it's tough with getting permission for other plug-ins and other programs familiar because a request needs to be sent to IT, or IT will screenshare your computer to have it installed, if you can get a legal copy with license. In the MAA program we don't focus as much on textures, more of the game art side, and I've mostly used Roadkill UV unwrap tool to unwrap before texturing. Even though Roadkill is a free tool to use, I still had to request permission for an official license to use the product, so right now I'm using Maya's default planar mapping tools which is more difficult and tedius than anticipated. In instances like this it's hard for a student intern to approximate how long tasks will take. At Ai, we were either learning the program, or had weekly deadlines, so there was some leeway how you budget your time. Looking back I should have paid more attention how long it took me to do any task so I can budget my time better in the industry. Before I had the mentality that I would take as long as it needs to get it done and done right, which is good while first learning but not good when entering the industry. However I am learning the slightly different workflow of game art versus media arts modeling low poly and texturing according to the particular game's "style". I'm also learning the proprietary plugins and software, the nifty tricks and silly quirks of SOE software and game engine. At first I was a little hard on myself not knowing what was going on but then realized I couldn't have possibly known until someone told me. For example, not knowing the granny exporter needs to have your mouse moving while exporting or else it will stop exporting, or the first frame of every control needs to be keyed for animation in order to keep initial pose to refrain from snapping to defaults. I'm really glad my team is so friendly and easy to approach about it.

 my awesome boss' transformer collection! Since I'm a little scared to take pictures of the team and stuff at Sony just yet. In time...

 I love the amenities too, this company treats their employees very well and it really shows. Coffee Tea and Soda at any time, or how about Bagel/Donut Fridays anyone?